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electric outlet造句

"electric outlet"是什么意思  
  • Are there electric outlets in all of the rooms
  • Covers for electric outlets
  • Shenzhen fuzel industrial limited is a development , make , sell multi - function combination electric outlet and connect line device of business enterprise
  • Provisions for standard booth : exhibitor ' s fascia board , three side boards , one business desk , two chairs , basic lighting , one electric outlet , and daily cleaning
  • High - performance internet , voice , and video service will be available to residential and business subscribers simply by plugging into an ordinary electric outlet
  • The standard shell schemes are installed in unison by the exhibition center . the standard shell scheme configuration includes , three - side boarding fascia board , one consulting desk , two chairs , two spotlights of 60w , and one electric outlet , 220v ( sa ) , single phrase . basic hall lighting will be provided
    目前,有一些公司认为参加展览费时费力,但《贸易展览商机》的作者? ?米歇尔?豪,向展览组织者提出了能够提升展览价值、增加参展观众并吸引参展商的十大秘决:
  • The fuzel multi - function electric outlet and connect line device ( namely multi - function table ' s top electric outlet , multi - function information electric outlet , multi - function connect a line port box , multi - function ground electric outlet ) to used for upscale office desk , meeting table more and experiment table , screen , market , cabaret and other situation etc . s
  • It's difficult to see electric outlet in a sentence. 用electric outlet造句挺难的
如何用electric outlet造句,用electric outlet造句electric outlet in a sentence, 用electric outlet造句和electric outlet的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。